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Amano Shuninta
Safe for Work
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Safe for Work
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Pretty Cure
Safe for Work

Yes, yes we know…long overdue.

by WingedMessenger Wednesday, July 31st 2013 at 1:35 AM

YuriCam-1-087Yurika’s Campus Life Chapter 5

Let’s see how many seconds it takes you to keep from laughing after you finish reading this chapter. I personally split a gut when I edited a particular page.  ^.^

18 Responses to “Yes, yes we know…long overdue.”

  1. svines85 says:

    Wow, awesome, thanks a lot for the new chapter!!

  2. Missfire says:

    This was glorious worth the wait

  3. Wulikins says:

    Well worth it! I’ve been wanting more Yurika for what feels like forever. Thanks guys!

  4. Ash says:

    That was absolutely beautiful.
    Overdue it might have been but still awesome that we got it in the end.

  5. rjawee says:

    thanks a lot

  6. ray says:

    Thanks! funniest chapter so far!

  7. Overlord-G says:

    Welcome back Team Papaya! Good to see you’re back in a bang!

  8. meph2k says:

    love the series. thank you

  9. JC says:

    Yay! More Yurika! She is my heroine, i swear! xD
    A great come back, by the way ~

  10. YuriNeko says:

    I had to reread all the chapters because of the long wait, and I couldn’t stop laughing xD thank you guys^^ Please don’t let us wait so long this time ;)

  11. IT says:

    Thanks a lot. I know you’ve priorities and personal life, but it would be great that you could translate it more fast: is a manga which kills you laughter.

  12. RoyBread says:


  13. snooze says:

    Thank you for scanlating this. :)

  14. Lan says:

    Thank you for sharing and Translation.

    I am so sorry.
    My english is not good.

    Sorry,Can you share Author/ Artist: Amano Shuninta the “Yukemuri Sanctuary” All Japanese version comic to me?
    and Yukemuri Sanctuary postcard.

    Please,Thank you very much.

  15. Dark says:

    I kept laughing while reading the chapter, not only after! :p Thanks for the release, please if possible scanlate the rest quickly. It’s a hilarious series XD

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